202 Emergency Vents
The OPW 202F Emergency Vent is
designed to prevent an aboveground
storage tank from becoming overpressurized by providing full-bore,
high-capacity venting in the event of
a fire or blockage of the OPW 23, 113,
523V or 623V. The 202F is a vapor-tight,
spring-loaded emergency vent. When
the AST builds pressure to 2.5 psi (0.17
bar), a break-pin shears and the spring-loaded lid opens full-bore and discharges
vapors upward to relieve the pressure.
The lid remains open for inspection,
to indicate a problem with the normal
tank venting or if a fire has taken place,
until manually reset.
OPW 202F Emergency Vent is available
in an 8" flanged connection to mount
directly to a tank manway.